It had potential. The first act was great. Solid intro. 2nd act. Eh. That block long submarine went straight up Venice canals? Where did it turn? Action started getting less coherent. Third act. Dumb.
So much potential. Yet it was a waste. And it made Connery quit acting. Imagine a world with a bit more Sean Connery movies.
I'll never forget watching this movie when I was a teen because my mom drunkenly and loudly said at the end "UH OH THERE'S GONNA BE A SEQUEL" and everyone in the cinema looked at us like we're retarded.
Alcoholism fucks up your kids' childhood people. Don't do it.
I still firmly believe that a sequel was never made just to spite her drunk ass.
Afshan Arshaccount
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Zhai Ambion Castro
Imtiaz Uppal Imtiaz Uppal
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