Own car check Own house check No kids check Well paying job check I just cant stand dating or having the responsibillity And taking care of another human being For some fucking reason i just cant do it Had a cute girl get her number like 4 months ago We text go on a date or 2 But after a month or 2 Just get a text if i wanna do somthing Or going somwhere or shit And just get this utter feeling Of just leave me alone and let me be Or complete lack of interest or desire to be in it It happends every single fucking time And im not an asshole or rude towards said females I just cant do it on my part I cant be the only one Just cannot maintain a relation without Being sick of it and myself and her Within 3 months tops
I don't understand this kind of women. My boyfriend has two kids, doesn't own a car, his job pays less than mine and now we are saving to buy a house together. I couldn't find a better guy, and I am the happiest woman ever.
I recently found this annoying, woman asking if I have my own place car etc. I'm like why does that matter ? Also woman who say they don't want to live with in-laws after marriage, funny thing is I have multiple houses but I always ask them have you got money for the house, usual answer is no lol Welp guess you can't buy a house then.
A parasite asking why it's hard to find a good host...
I have all that but if you don’t then I don’t date you.
This is just girl humour.. It's an ironic post.
Gold Diggers
A woman with demands is a woman not in demand. Ain't nobody gonna want to date someone who doesn't even furfill their own demands.
I have all that but I'm looking for a woman in the same condition
This is speaking from personal experience: I have all four of those things but as a direct result from my wife. She loved me when I was earning very little, was out of shape and was at very low points of my life. I am also not the best looking person, which makes it very hard to date anyone. She helped me realise my worth and supported me. now that I am better off, I get loads of attention from girls that want what I offer. But where were they when I had nothing? I am a firm believer in building your man up, not trying to intercept one that is very near the top. I Personally would not like to be with a parasite just wanting the nice stuff, without any of the ugly hard work. If my wife should pass before me, I'd rather remain single than look after one of these intercepting parasites
I married a girl that earns more than me. and inb4 for the incels here: it’s a real job in pharma not Influecancer or onlysimps
Have all that, but hey, I’m not what women want. They want bad boy fuck toys. At least until they are single mothers and and their lives area dumpster fire. Then suddenly I look MUCH better for dating material. Now I wait for all the women who say “That’s not true!” Also waiting for all the bad boy fuck toy losers who are the ones paying child support. Both will call me an incel and all sorts of other bullshit because they want to whine about how they are both pieces of shit but that’s OK.
Omgomgomg incel thing to say... Is what some women will call this...
Stop crying losers "longdick1234" a good name for a loser that cry qll the time
"I am qween, i deserve man with 6 figure salary and 6 pack who is 6 foot tall"
meanwhile they look like danny devito's first cousin.
Why is it so hard to find an intelligent woman that can hold a conversation on different topics, is not bogged down by insecurity and drama, has a clear view of herself and the world around her, have sense of humour, is not fake entitled and can communicate on what she wants?
Whatever happened to love, respect, trust, honour, friendship, manners?! No girl wants that anymore?!