I got nothing against cyclists. But if you wear all the Lycra crap and behave all try hard and cause issues for traffic then you deserve to burn in hell.
I used to ride 12 km each way to school in my highschool years, for 3 years. Not because I was was a wannabe, but because we were poor af. There weren't even any bike lanes in my city.
I don't understand how these assholes ride like a dumbass in the traffic, it's just not sustainable. And what's with the stupid outfit. Just wrap your pant legs under the socks. Just fucking act normal..
James Lee
Kristal MacKenzie
Tim Slade
Chad Boise
Whitney Suzanne Junelle Brooks
Steve Smith
Jennifer Treviño Muñeca Azteca
Mariyam Faisal
Alma Agulto
Brian Mackenzie
Beck Connor
Jeta Jeta
Asifa Syeda
Victoria Antionette Chakales
Su San