The elves in Tolkien's work was never portrayed as sorcerer or overt users of magic. The magic in Tolkien's work was more subtle and nuanced, and even the Istari didn't portray their magic skills. They had magic capabilities, but used it more towards their creations and within their presence rather than Harry Pottering it all over the place. So Galadriel walking up to an orc and "Leviooooosa" the orc, is kind of silly, and should be hated more than it is. So saying that "This is Galadriel" shows a bit of a lack of understanding of Tolkien's work and Galadriel. She was a warrior and an athlete, so the portraying in the series isn't as far fetched as people think.
I don't remember this. Where is this from?
Well to be fair, they're doing Guyladriel, not Galadriel
Fair, and I'm not the biggest fan of the interpretation of Galadriel but there's about 4 or 5 thousand years difference between the Rings of Power and the Hobbit so its not the worse thing in the world to portray an angrier Galadriel with less of a powerful presence.
Stop giving it attention
Yeah, but the rings are still not there to help