WW3? With all the failure of russian in Ukraine. NATO will blow up any russian army in 7 days bro...
I don't think anyone knows what Russia is doing anymore. This sort of mobilization would make sense if Russia was under threat, but absolutely nobody is interested in crossing russian border...
yes we are heading straight for WW3, no doubt about it, western economies have been preparing for years, decades even. It's going to be the west vs Iran, Russia, China, N.Korea and a few rogue states, Belarus, Sudan etc. A new world order will follow, the elite have been talking about it since the last war. I have noticed our own defence forces are very active since the beginning of the year, and we are a 'neutral' country. This Ukraine thing will be the start of it, Russia will either use a nuke, or invade Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. China will make a grab for Taiwan and N.Korea will try who knows what. The doomsday clock is counting down
Vlodovastok? Russa? It looks like OP is planning an open war on vowels
Yeap, seems we are going to ww3.
At 22 you should be able to use a firearm. Now he will. But not for a good reason. Muscle flex or real threat ... It's like north Korea. Ho knows? One thing sure. In case of nuclear strike everyone lose. And in a full scale war Russia is beaten. But everyone lose but most stay alive.
You're not paranoid. Unless someone stops Putin or he gets an option to stop without losing face he will continue to escallate.
Well Putin might be stupid enough to invade NATO while struggling in Ukraine. In which case I say we drop a JDAM on his ass the first thing the next morning and see just how willing the rest are to follow in suit.
Mobilization in russia is just a clusterfuck, like most things they do, they also draft 65 year old cancer patients. Its also expected that every russian is a reservist because military service is for everybody there. Although many dont go for many reasons they are still seen as reservists. Open war with nato with russian army decimated in ukraine would be stupid. Only war they could wage is nuclear one, and this war nobody will win, so no reason to worry :)
They lied since this war started (NATO and UA are threatening us), mobilize everything with 2 legs, arms and eyes and how to hold a gun is teached within a 2 weeks training.
They are mobilizing about 3 or 4 times the number they announced. It's up to the US now to provide the tools to turn those invading into minced meat. As for attacking NATO, that's out of the question... NATO airforce would pulverize every piece of equipment and logistics trail in a long weekend.
Maybe explain the concept of fragging to him.
They moved a lot of military assets away from their borders with NATO to help the fight against NAFO, so I guess not.