The middle east before the rise of Islam would of been a better caption for the first half of the meme. After that the middle east was pretty meh. Then WWI happened and it took a nose dive it's yet to recover from.
The seljuks was viewed as the biggest threat by christian europe back then, little did they know , the seljuks was their saviour too from the invading timurids
There were two solid attempts after World War 1 towards civilisation actually in Turkey and Iran, three if you count Indonesia. Let's see what will happen in Iran now. The liberals there have been oppressed for decades now, but they're still there.
Could it be that USA needed to help the inslamist get into power to make sure that middle east didn't turn communist and in doing such has fucked up half of the world for centuries????
There would be no way .....
And guess who was thrown out of the Middle East after WW1 after which things turned to shit?
*Not a political statement ffs, I'm just messing around, don't nuke me*
It is sad to see travelogues from before WW1 (I love Oriental Encounters by Pickthall, it’s free on Gutenberg).
The Brits essentially created the modern Middle East. Armed nutty people and installed them into power.
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