Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow, Alan Rickman as Snape, Christopher Lee as Saruman (the entire cast is perfect), Charles Dance as Tywin, Christoph Waltz as Hans Landa, Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine...
I think the whole main cast of lord of the rings and Harry . It’ll feel weird to me if I saw anyone else play those roles even if they are some how better.
PM A Rodriguez
Holly Brown
Elisabeta Ioana Covrig
Hector Raul Parson Jr.
Connie McCord Determan
Donna Posey
Emily Mertis Cherukara
Dawn Scholl
Anjełł Mäy
Toni Sandell
Chantal Finn
Amy Jenkins
Irene Maciulis
Carrington Keys
Mariam Muladze
Lily Savage
Mahalia Waitere
Hani Jasmin
Marvin Laccountel Obeñita