Dude can you stop blaming John Cena for abiding to Chinese fuckers? What do you think would happen to him if he refuse to do what he did? Easy for you to say how unmanly he is, China is one of the biggest market out there for him. If you were having Chinese government as one of your biggest customer in industry, you’ll do worse. When girls suck Harvey Weinstein’s dick for a role you guys aren’t this chatty, but when John Cena fear for his career which fed his family you went apeshit. Fucking hypocrites
Wanda Dodge
Jessie Besson
Ajit Ojha
Joyce Thalacker-Hudson
Vivian Silvera
Hafeez R
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Betty Straub
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Kayla Gundermann
Bone Naomi Fatty
Wanda Cantero
Fi Fi Jamieson
Aimee Hogg
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Kathy Cole Carrington Thomason