So how do we stop our drunken zero moral troops From retreating instantly and in a heartbeat? Simple comrade! Dig and build 3 lines of huge and long trenches! Like good old world war 1 comrade! People at the first line retreat?! The second line will shoot the traitors! Second line retreats Rinse and repeat comrade They cannot escape when dead bylat!
Straight as an arrow LOL Drop one frag inside and it will neatly follow along the whole trench taking out dozens. What could go wrong
Too late for that. When you start emptying out Belarus' tank yards and throwing 45 year old alcoholics at the problem, that's the time where you cut your losses and go back home.
Next they will bastions and trebuchets
They will fill it with water and put some crocodiles in it.
Trenches doesn't win wars, just stagnate it.
So break through at one point and your good to go Jeez this is stupid Can we supply ukraine with some carpet bomb planes?
Straight Line trenches are a bad idea
Well, 1916 called, they want their warfare back…
So already passed to normal mode? Or still is in Easy?
They can't even build trenches properly. You are supposed to create a Z pattern so sharpnel or bullets can't travel in a direct line.
Yeah, that's completely useless. Russians are still in artillery range long before Ukrainians are. They're turned into puddles of protoplasm before entire battalions cross these WW2-style barriers. The Russian front soldiers should be reminded what an the expensive Kaliber cruise missiles are used for... hundreds of kilometers away from the front... against playgrounds, apartment buildings she the Samsung HQ. With zero effect on the frontline. All the trench digging for nothing
》》 this didn't work 1940 - useless in modern mechanized warfare ...
Nice one. When rain season starts, russcunt are drowning to their trenches and afterwards Ukraina can just use those as drains. Everybody wins!
A mass grave for untrained meat they'll drop there with manpads and rpgs meant to hold against tanks and aviation, and pitted against artillery batteries hidden 20-70 kilometers away from them. One accurate hit inside the trench and the settings are set for every unit in artillery battery. At least when you have dozens of trenches dug at chaotic distances the formula has to be adjusted for each trench separately. This just invites an absolute one-sided massacre.
" maginot ligne will work great! " french generals in 1938
Damn. Ww1 style war.
Lmao, they dig "line" trench... Welp someone not learn why you dk not make "line" type of trench...