Start now and soon you'll want to "fix" every little detail you think is bad on you till you look like one of those old/ugly plastic dolls while you could've aged just fine.
Meh. You do you. I would avoid botox because it's fucking poison...and botox face is plain weird to me on women(I'm naturally stone faced anyway, but guys are expected to be). Still, it's your body so taking actions to change it to make your life better are in my view perfectly acceptable. No one wants to look bad especially in their own eyes. Botox at 34 might be a bit too heavy of an artillery piece for what's bothering you. I know there are other treatments available, least you can do is get a consultation. They'll know better.
Yeah. There's no point fighting change. I can't imagine myself running around trying to fight what's natural. What I can do is work on being fit so that I can slow down the ageing process.
Sweetums i don't care how i look. I'm balding, my hair turns gray. I don't feel the urge to make me look younger. I spend my money on other useless crap.
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