And where exactly is the cursed part?
Could have Just spared us auch a useless comment. Also i was going to call her cute after seeing her Picture but Reading her comment was such a Turn off
Well deserved sick burn.
HoW sHe KnOw iTs LoAdEd? Because you ALWAYS treat a gun as if it were. Even with a double-barrel with an open bridge. Thus, people just refer to them as loaded either way.
When you look at gun nuts posing for pictures like this is makes me happy to be a globalist democrat that didn't grow up with a single forearm in the house but owns a few and treats them with respect not like a toy that 5 year old screams about if mommy is going to take it away. If you can't be trusted to hold a super soaker without damaging the house or annoying people, mommy takes it away. Kids that can be trusted still get to play.
It gives us all hope when a dickcheese shitbagel like this gets called cute. I don't understand though.
Women making everything about sex again, what a surprise.