I hate these street walking fuckers with a microphone who then selectively edit only the dumbest people into a video making the whole population look like dumbasses.
If you walk down any random street with a mic and ask what's your name there will be at least 1 percent who can't answer. Edit the rest out and it'll seem like the whole population has Alzheimer's
For a country with only 250 years they sure dont know anythong about it ... cant imagine if they were in our countries with 1500 or more years worth of history
I'm not even american and I know all that shit. Why? Cause it was required by immigration before I could visit my stupid relatives there years ago. Glad I went back to my shit country, it might be shite here but at least people aren't dumb assholes like in the US.
1789. The Empire of Great Britain. Union vs Confederacy. France, England, USA vs Germany, Yes, the Austro Hungarian Empire. England, Nazi's, Finnish, French, USA etc. 1945. 1941.
You have cherry picked dumb people to make a stupid point. Play stupid games get stupid prizes.
Katie Lopez
Muhammad Ramzan
Arslan Chaudhary
On Ly El
Krystal Brewster
Bianca van Boven
Kenneth Latham
Donna Renee Rensel
Lori Dunn
Kera Presentandfuture Wilson
Kenny Brown
Yasmine Soojhai
Hani Jasmin
Cyndi Lu
Umair Abbasi
Oshi Amarasinghe
Jean Tang
Conika Yates
Nerwin De Vera