Put yourself together, call a friend or a relative and ask for a shelter. Just for few days. You'll be "back in business", but You must keep your mind clear. No drugs, no alcohol. Good luck!
open up craigslist or similar for your area and look for the simplest no fuss job available right now. Get a shelter for the night - friend, relative, or even charity, but get somewhere to rest. Show up tomorrow for that job and don't give up on the day until you have one job. Then find a place to stay according to whatever pay you get. Take some time to clear your mind and you'll figure it out along the way. And fuck all these lil faggots around here bitching from their mama's couches. You can do this!
Do you have a roof over your head? That's the first thing you need to get. Call parents/family/friends, crash for a while. Got any job, at all? Could be waste disposal, could be a warehouse worker - just grab ANYTHING that gives you any income, even if it's minimum wage. Got any close friends to talk to? If so, talk to them, don't let your shitty situation get in your head. If no... Just post random feels threads on here, you will find at least 1 person willing to talk and that's all that's needed. Put down the work, fucking drag ur balls over forks and knives and get it together. We're all gonna fucking make it brother. Just keep it up
well, you're about to find out what you're made of
Go back to your parents... take your time, heal, workout. And a little secret i've learned. If you want to be happy, always look down, never look up.
There's no shame in asking for help. Be it family, friends, or strangers, do what needs to be done and ask for help. Slowly build on a plan and act upon it. Be open to those who help you if you can find them. Be careful about overstaying your welcome, talk about boundaries.
Yep, first and foremost do not alter your mind with ANY substance, you need it right now more than you ever have in your life. Homeless shelter for the night. Stay away from everyone but staff and make a plan with them, they have your best intrests in mind. Its survival mode right now warrior, you need to be really selfish right now your in a fight for your lif. Your Kids and Wife will have to wait. Rise and overcome!
Prolly get on your bus I guess? Dunno man.
Go to a friend or your family.... ask some help
Was in that spot at one point, could alcohol possibly be the cause? Was my problem, and never rely on one source of income. Now I have a week day job and weekend job, and life has never looked better. And even if one falls thru will still be good.
This is the time where you either make it or break it. Sit down and write down your strengths. Write down your weaknesses and try to avoid them at all costs. Don’t let your emotions override your resolve. Right now you’re hurting but if you let yourself be guided by emotions, you will fall. Know that you are in hard times but with a month or two of dedication and hard work, you will be back in your feet. Look at all the people you have here commenting their support and their advice. You are not alone, you are not the only one. Know that their is support and help when you need it. STAY STRONG, SURVIVE.
steer clear of shit that will affect you badly in long term: crime, substances and bad company. Apart from that search the net for jobs in other countries. There are a lot of places that offer housing and transport if you accept the position. Changing your surroundings will help you clear your mind for some time. And from there see where life takes you. That kind worked for me, so I that's what I offer you to do ;) If you want to talk, I am open for a conversation best of luck
Gimme your address and ill send you some kids
Join the Russian army.
Get a cat
do a backflip when you jump.