No, cause no alpha male would take some random advice from internet how to score chicks!
look a 13 year old!
maybe i have outgrown
Incel Alarm
Ok beta boy, sounds good
My ass… downvoted
If a pussy is worth it for you to change your personality into being a douchebag, go for it.
Women like men with money and careers. They don’t give a fuck about “gym” or “game”. Those that you are talking about are girls, or real women. “Strong man” means a man who can provide. Now go back and keep being poor.
pah, alphas. The only reason alphas exist is so that we sigmas can call them betas. Anyway, what's your zodiac?
ah, finally some real satire, have an upbote 🥸
Red pill india hahqhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahazazahahahahahahahahahaha
Stop being indian, you stink, you’re ugly, ur language is shit and you guys literally play with cow shit. Do i need to continue? Your whole species excists out of subhumans, even below the “ beta male “ you are talking about. Go take a shit in the streets and move out of the way for that holy cow roaming and shitting the streets.
There's a whole world between being a beta cuck and a dumb alpha meathead. The best women don't like those either, unless you set the bar at uneducated fake nail bitches
My 30yo dad bod awake for 40h straight fueled on weed and cola hearing about going to the gym:
If by "alpha male" you mean "high value men" (has money, dresses well, hits the gym and is in shape, etc.) then you are right. Women like High Value Men. The only problem is that we can't find "high value women anymore...
Hey. Why you all be down voting this be mad good advice. You not listing is good for me tho, means more bitches for me 😊
Andrew Tate is an idiot. And an asshole. I am not following any instructions from this individual. Simping for him is as bad as simping for cheap Hot Tub Twitch streamer. Oh, and at least write his name correctly. IQ from Tate simps seem not to be that high in general.