if I'd have money to take care of them and a woman who wouldn't scream the moment she sees me, yeah.
The way I look at it is, children are the hope for the future. Yeah, our generation and the ones before may have fucked up, but this is your chance to maybe make the future a tiny bit brighter. You can bring a child up to do right and fight for the right things. Now get out there and impregnate something!!
Same actually. A while ago i was determined not to bring children into this world but now I want to create life. It's selfish I know but I really want to know what's it's like to grow a mini you. No sane reason honestly, just a selfish one
If people with intellect, good morals/hearts and the means to raise a kid, stop having kids.. the world will be a worse place for it. Your children can be good people, doing good for this world. And the world needs/will need more people like them :) Also; maybe watch a movie called idiocracy?
I've always wanted to have a kid, ideally 2, but I also see the world the future and the darkness. It depends if I am able to get my self sustaining house in the countryside and give them a future out of the cities
I am glad that you have decided to leave room for my children. Please consider leaving even more room by quickly proceeding to the exit.
if it happens it happens? make the best of it when it does? help as best i can teach and train as best i can. should be a simple answer to a lot of this.
I was never eager to have. I always found myself very awkward in front or around kids, like I don't want to be there. But with my ex there were times the idea of having offspring was even a little bit appealing. But she broke me and now I am alone again. Also my brother is dying of a neurodegenerative shit that comes from my mother's genes, and having lived with this crap for 35 years, I am certain of not having, even if there's a chance of passing this shit to my children...so yeah
im kind of have the same opinion...we've been trying for 4 year without any luck, now considering in-vitro, but i have my doubts.......but my wife wants it much
There will always be wars because it seems to be innate to humans. I also naive enough to believe that climate change wont be a problem for the part of the world I live in.
I don't want them for similiar reasons. I would be afraid, what happens to them when I die. I would want to protect them, but I can't
I want to have at least two Kids one Day, if i have enough money and find the right woman that is
I'm not the biggest fan of children (maybe because those are not mine), I don't have resources, I would be a shitty father. The world with do just fine without my contribution.
Who would have guessed people would not take children out of fear of the unknown. Are you really so pessimistic? You can also look at the world and see what your opportunities are. Yes we have challenges ahead. But the world will not end in the next generations. Not many generations ago the average life expectancy was below 40, most were uneducated and it was not surtain you would have enough food and warmth in the winter. A simple infection could kill you. And what are people not taking kids for now? A war that may never come, and the consequences of climate change we try to predict with incomplete models. A problem we are working hard to solve. You are just bombarded with negative news all the time. You need to start looking on the bright side, be optimistic.
People have said this since the beginning of time.
You can't be serious. You've been tricked by the ones who earn money on "climate change".
Going has gotten tough therefore you’ve chosen to end your bloodline. Silly
Given OP's point of view... people of all the 20th century catastrophes had parents too. So my most fundamental belief is that they will be able to deal with it. Or not. In the spirit of Jeff Goldblum's legendary delivery of 'life, uh, finds a way'... I'd go with cautious optimism of just giving, uh, life a chance.