Stay away from tinder, it only works for 20% of men... Only 5% actually get approached by women first... Almost a third are women that never responds, they just stay there to get some DMs and validation... But If you feel you must.... The first picture is all that matters, no woman will ever read your bio and go "ooooh, NOW I wanna bang him!". Make an instagram thats you doing cool shit and hanging out at cool places, women WILL look you up to check your online brand, aka coolness. Learn texting game. You can develop a script you use, like telemarketers have. Look it up. Be fit, women will always go for a 5'8 fit guy with a nice v-shape than a 6'3 pudgy dad-bod Money, make sure it seems like or have expensive things. Shoes, watches, tailored suit etc Always pursue more than one chick. Dont get hung up on one at a time. Dont tell her but keep swiping. She has several options, so you should to. If she suspects that she is sharing you she will get competitive with these other women
Stay away from tinder bro, rent a hooker is a better choice
You are lying, at least three transgender women and a gay dude liked your profile.
Tinder is all about first impressions. If your first picture isn't good enough to get someone browsing to stop you stand no chance. Best bet is a "candid" photo with you looking good and something interesting in the background. It is the interesting background that'll make a girl stop for a second.which gives her time to properly check out you. But again online dating is the top 80% of women chasing after the top 10 of men. So you can't just wing it you'll have to put some effort into it
Never used a dating app before, what would a Premium membership give?
Dont fall for the trap bro. the western ideology is brainwashing everyone into thinking relationships are everything, that if you cant get a girlfriend or have sex your life is forfeit. Heres the facts: women can get some D whenever they want, because men nowadays have no standards. this causes a disparity where 80 percent of women are all fucking the same 20% of men at the "top" of the sexual hierarchy. the other 80% of men have to compete for the other 20% of women, resulting in many men not being able to find a partner. its a tragic situation of the modern day. but dont give women more power. the ones who are all sleeping around right now will be the ones crying when they get older and realize they should have found a good man when they were young, rather than letting the "chads" run train on them. watch men like Elliot Hulse on youtube. Learn how men can regain their power. be a part of the solution. Monk Mode FTW
Use real world instead
You could try not giving up on shit so easily? Then again you could hit the gym, learn how to shoot guns and fix things like cars. Not give a damn what others think about you and focus on making money. You’ll have these whores coming after you like dogs after the mailman
If you want to meet woman, get a job at target and date your coworkers, maybe chili’s in the kitchen and you can get drinks after work with the waitresses. Then if you have something interesting beyond that is up to you, but I promise if you wash dishes you will meet waitresses and have a drink with them and now you need coke or weed or a personality or something to step it up and onto the next level
your profile
My experience with tinder years ago: swiped right EVERY single girl I came across (yea I didn’t take it 100% seriously I admit) and the next day when I opened the app again to see how many matches I got it was 2. The total matches I got in two weeks after swiping right every girl was 8. Now I’m not the most handsome guy but I’m not ugly either. Even though I did not take it too seriously it did not do good to my already low self esteem. My advice? Stay the fuck away from it. Tinder is for only hot guys and women, basically. Don’t waste your time. I know stories of tinder from a guy’s perspective even much worse than mine.
Read models by mark manson. Thank me later
Try second love.. oh wait u could not even get the first...
Go for women above your league Be surprised at the results
Don't fall on the dating app trap. -Hit the gym, dress nicely, smell good. -Pursue any hobby that tou have interest, meet people, make friends, meet women through these friends or hobby. Dating apps are an endless pit for those who are not on top 20% nowadays. You'll have much better results going out and meeting people, believe me.
This is stupid. But it is also important in wich location. If you life on the country side there is no real chance. But if youvlife near a city keep going. There are tons of new women everyday on tinder. Upload some new pictures and a meme. Add a new text. Maybe the old profile was not that good for that women that see it so keep going and try it with the next that swipe your profile.
OP for sucking dicks it's Grinder not tinder
First pic does everything. First i had like 20 likes. Changed my first pic, the likes went over a 100. Be more direct and flirty. Have fun, don’t get offended by anything. Chicks sometimes test your confidence. And don’t try to chat for weeks. If you match someone, she like you, so you should me.... if she doesn’t want that go for the next one. And sex is nice dude but weirdly women feel your energy, if you only want sex, you somehow send signals and you won’t get any. I’m off tinder now. Had enough, it’s exhausting at times. Trying to build more confidence now to go for the a woman i see in real life, instead of a dating app.