Just to make things more clear. She was in the South of Italy, and this trouble was mostly a Mafia business. The law in Italy was still outdated, since in the old times it was considered a punishment for the man to have to marry the woman he raped, since he would be legally bound to not start a family with another woman. This event was the spark which started the update of the law to modern standards.
So you people were exactly the thing you have been accusing others of and have been colonizing them so they would not progress socially, economically and scientifically?
Jurmuny has no punishment for aburtings but it is illegal. A (Potential) raspist/morderer is walking the streets because they were in holding too long during the Corony hoopla without actually being sentenced. They had over 2 dozen court appointments due to Corony rules/sicknesses etc.
Not sure why people are against this. Look at how many MudSharks bitches are now today and they refuse to do their domestic duties and have children. This is not in the interest of the species as a whole or any nation. Gives men the opportunity to take a more civilized approach at forceful acquisition of prime breeding material for their own good.
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