you either work towards post scarcity or for more profits for the 1%. There is not other way things can go, if we keep increasing productivity.
This is a stupid question. Ofc we should strife for that. I just donĀ“t think we will get there any time soon. Humanity is in for a bumpy ride and it remains to be seen if we make it or if our time will be seen as a collapse akin to the romans, after which came a more primitive time. I think the internet is the most miraculous thing we ever achieved and it needs to be preserved at all cost. If we can manage that, there might be a bright future. If not, millions and millions of valuable research data will be lost.
Okay, so hear me out Whenever someone dies, instead if burying them. We should grind them up into tiny meat bits and use them as fertilizer Cemeteries are a waste of space. Acres of land used on the dead could be used for farming instead
In the United States, food waste is estimated at between 30-40 percent of the food supply. But yeah let's make big plans
Yes but that would require a commitment for global cooperation, considering that we are currently in a global conflict for world supremacy I don't see how we can get there.
There will always be poor and starving people as long as there's corrupt governments, other nations should focus on themselves and individuals like Elon or Bezos should do whatever they want and hopefully that'll be to advance humanity in whatever technological aspect they pursue.
if you understand how people are, you will be wishing for another mass extinction like asteroid.
Sounds good, doesn't work (just like black people). What you are describing is utopia, and will never be achieved. Why? It's simple. We are lazy beings and what motivates us is hunger or fear of hunger. There are only a few people willing to work and invest for other reasons. Now, in a poor country, if you come up with solutions, you know what is going to happen? A few will get rich, and the others even poorer but they will afford bread at least. This is just how human nature works.
So you are saying that we should help those shitholes even more than we do now ?
I'm so stupid, I though OP was referring to reducing reposts.
There is no such thing as post scarcity.
It should be a goal, but it has to be done by indirect means. Because you would need to directly control (probably by force) the region to make it possible directly and that is not acceptable, as it would leave the humanitarian aspects behind that are very important to the success of something like that.
Post scarcity? You mean all those people blocking posts they don't like? Yeah. Suppose that causes a scarcity for some
Not possible with these assholes around.
i think it is too idealistic. as long as our energy sources are like today, it is not feasible to bring everybody up to the same level of comfort as 1st world countries. we do not have enough resources to support that. so I dont think we would live in some happy utopia where everybody is living a great life. we would crash pretty fast. we will still crash as we are now, but it will take longer.
Yes, the amount of reposting is too damn high, if more of the people here had jobs and real girlfriends there would be less bs, fewer propaganda bots
You must have missed that all Starfleet bases on Earth seem to be in the US....