I'm 29, I'm not much of a gamer anymore, but back then when I was in highschool (especially early years, 2005-2008) this was the sh-t... CS Source had been released for a few years at that point already, but at the time not many people liked it because of the weird hitbox, redesigned maps and stuff, so lot of people just stuck with 1.6... and so did I and my classmates... and man... all the memories, dust2, rats, that wild west themed map, pool... I f-cking loved it
CS 1.5 was nuts. Used to share a CD code, back when it was a mod for half life. Private owned servers with friends and clan scrims at internet cafes. Before it got polished and ported to steam. Great days.
That damn sniper spot on the roof. I used to go up there to find my friend Daniel and blow his brains out with the shotgun