What?! I am outraged at this inequality!! I wil throw my girlfriend out the window immediately to mitigate this!
So, this means that 81% of journalists killed in 2017 were men and that their death somehow don't matter.
I don’t like equality… with that logic each time you kill an asshole you should kill someone brillant…
The other day on TV they did a piece about how the pandemic affected the mental health and such. They mentioned how about 70-80% of people who commit suicide are men yet they managed to make it all about women, all the people they interviewed were women, some of them attempted to kill themselves and talked about how hard life can get. Well, they are still here, they get help, they are not shunned by society for being weak, like men are. Equality my ass.
Read on the newspaper a few days ago, 2 of 10 missing people in México are women. Action must be taken.
Maybe stop giving your money to whores
These are rookie numbers, you need to pump up those number.
I'm confused how can we get such accurate statistics? I wonder how they define women to get such results. Gee i really wonder
Aren't women like, 50% of all journalists?
It's always funny to me that women demand equality and equal treatment. Like what the fuck do you want, increase in hard-labor jobs, in prison, in the military, in suicide-rates?
1 in 4 homeless people are women? I've never seen one homeless person that was a woman
Ok lets make more women homeless and kill more female journalism? Do they even do a basic sanity check?
19% is a very large percentage, considering the rest of the 81% is hundreds of other genders. #woke #liberal #cuck
We are developing faggots culture. But do not be disappointed. Soon they all will become faggots and will not need women.
Logical "intake": We need equality, which means me must raise the number of journalist women killed from 17% to 50% and 2 of 4 homeless people are women. Logic at it's finest
Dumb. So fucking dumb, there are people with extra chromosomes thinking OP is too moronic to live. Robert, you sad little culture warrior, grow some balls, get a life, stop being stupid.
I think its more like 1 in 3 homeless people are women now... Progress!
One man and many women are capable of repopulation. Many men and one woman not so much. Men's lives are cheap relatively speaking
So…81% of journalists killed are men. 3 in 4 homeless persons are men. That’s like me saying whites are 87% of the population and commit 48% of all violent crimes.