I was working in a big supermarket and one of the cashiers (woman) was black, from Brazil she didn't speak well german and she was always in a bad mood, everyone could see from a mile, but people and the regular customers were always polite and extra careful BECAUSE she was foreign and black, but to my amazement, one day at the lunch cafeteria we were eating at the same table and the discussion ended up her complaining to me that people are racists and she can feel it every day at work... I was fking amazed by the stupidity and lack of self-awareness, sprinkled with a bit of ungratefulness. In her eyes people were avoiding her because she is black but in reality, people were avoiding her because she was a cu nt, she didn't deserve half of the patience and respect she got... muh racism...
Bingo! Other races have gotten so use to this "special" treatment that they call out the "racist" card whenever they feel their feelings get personally attacked or hurt... but it's just the way most of us Whites talk to EVERYONE! Its about YOU! Not everyone in your race! So stop getting so personal about it! Pussies! Can learn a lot from the Irish about not being such a fucking pussy!
Alma Agulto
Jeryl Rodrigo
Sheetal Barchha
Airic Aie
Mariyam Faisal
Bettyk Miller
Robbie Dyches