So your best friend gets a woman who would cheat on someone after six years? You get rid of a woman who would cheat on someone after six years? You got the better deal, man. Go out and live your best life!
She cheated, why are you at rock bottom, and not her?
Good luck Buddy, dont let her break you
So she was earning higher and also the owner/ tenant in which case it makes sense? Else why are guys always at rock bottom? Is it country specific? If you aren't married or so and if you are the tenant or owner then how are you getting kicked out from the rental or property? If you're not married how would it affect your own savings or items owned? Is this purely emotional where you vacate on your own accord? Leave all the things you purchased together and also don't plan your own independent savings or finances? There aren't any legal obligations right? If she cheats then your common friends or family wouldn't support this either right?
I wonder what happened there, so many different carpets
You can do this, king.
May I provide you with some good music in troubling times? /watch?v=HzdjMLKKdgk
Let me guess, you were married thats why you have to move into a new place because you lost your own house/ apartment.
How come you all 'new start' people don't have shit? Were you all just broke from day one and kept by your partners? Be smart people, spend more money on assets and less on pussy.
near friend means not really a friend?
Wish you the best Star strong šŸ¤˜šŸ¼
Need a lift?
Remeber: shoulder to cry on becomes a dick to ride on, also maybe she felt you wasnt there enough or she was just using you, good luck mate.
God luck bro ! Donā€™t let the demons & that girl break you , stay strong ! There is always a new way, been thereā€¦