If you're only her friend because you're trying to get into her pants, you're not a friend. Be a friend, you'll be better for it.
Stop wasting energy on women that don't like you. If you find no women to like you spend some energy on yourself and become better. Earn better, get ripped. That should solve it.
1 don't give attention for free( don't follow, don't suscribe, no gifts or favors, no nothing, she gotta earn that) 2 be honest from the beggining( go with full intent, they mostly don't know what they want and if you don't neither, then what the fuck) 3 if it doesn't work or has bad vibe, ditch it, no remorse, no nothing, you are not her safe space or crying shoulder
Im so sh!t i don’t even get friendzoned.
if you give friendship, you deserve friendzone
Just stop being a beta