I love how chicken shit posters post anonymously because they are too scared to stand behind their principles. Get the fuck out OP and suck a cock like you are used to.
What bothers me the most about these public displays of incompetency is that it begs the question, who is actually running the Executive Branch of our government? It certainly isn't him !!
Jacinda Lynn Walker
Thet Myat Noe
Roko Rokovino
Nabilah Nasir
Traci Moore
Katie-Lynn Arter
Lily Bell Balancio
Cynthia Martinez
Daniel Lovett
Kara L. Whitaker
Tammy Jane Cunningham
Ne Ha
Natalie Swinson
Amanda Rose
Keriann Pepper
Graham Brown
Rodica Liliana
Amna Khan Niazi
Emii Codilan