The problem is not that Galadriel can't overpower those guards. She is extremely powerful. The problem is how poorly they executed this scene, and how marysue she is in the serie.
It is a total shitshow, this scene in particular was a legit 1/10
haven't watched the series, but aren't elves supposed to have superhuman strength and speed?
Still a bad scene, they could've shown off this power, or somehow make it clear that those guards aren't the most incompetent guards since Nobby Nobbs.
To all the dumbass saying dont watch it etc, I want to watch it, I want to like it, I want to watch a good LOTR series that would be interesting ans enjoyable. But you can't argue that it's made by idiots and that wasted their opportunities at making something great for a political or social agenda. I'm still allowed to criticize it even if it doesn't please you
there are so many problems with rings of power. by god this isn't one of it.. jesus fucking christ some people do need constant fucking attention and will say and do anything for it.. pathetic!
Amir Eslampanah
Edelwina Cereza
Ziggy Elizabeth
Gia Papiashvili
Angela Esther Halder
Linda Swiger
Gabrichaccountze Nodar
Betty Alford
Jered Quarles
Gurwinder Kaur
Steve Morrin
Beatriz Madero
Princess Sarah Muñoz
Lori Dunn
Laurie Patino
Eihg DeeCee
Sandy Stripling-Groves
Carlos Hankins
Jazmine Solis