You have a hard time and just use plastic cutlery and plates... well bad news buddy. You are responsible for the death of this earth! Happy now?! Look at the poor billionaire, traveling every week with his private jet, eating from a normal plate. He is doing his part you monster!
A lot of these are recyclable. Not to mention the plates are made out of cane sugar nowadays and can be thrown out into the organic bin.
You should stop using them at home is what you should stop doing.
If you think private use of single use plastics is a major cause of pollution, you're the problem.
I dont really use them, but I think I have some leftover from a party 4 years ago.
I work at a big american bank corp, and avg pay is above 60k nd literally i hear ppl saying , “let me grab those extra forks nd save water for my dishwasher”, and i copy them too.
Staws in a private home are not a problem.