Don't build bases. Just bullshit.
Once you clear the Museum of Freedom and Preston Garvey moves to sanctuary ignore him, you will get sick of him and his missions very quickly.
Don't look for your son.
The META is to do a high luck / idiot savant build with 1 intelligence for as long as it takes for you to build the skills you want. It is MUCH faster than a high intelligence play through.
There is stage like place near water that is a cult like people hang out. If you talk the head guy, and want to join cult he try to rob all your stuff. Other will attack you if you dont comply...
Have fun. There are countless ways to play the game. I have played it for...kind of an embarrassingly long number of hours and never actually finished. Always had fun though. It's a good game especially now that Bethesda stopped mucking the mods up. If you find something that annoys you about fallout 4 just go to nexus and download whatever mod changes it because chances are there is one or several.
If you pet the first deathclaw you encounter at the end of the game you can call him as a pet ...but only the very first one !!!!!!!!! All the others will kill you
Sit, relax and enjoy the adventures.
Mellee weapons are freaking op! And en joy it its a good one!
Survival so water and food have some meaning + mods for saving and fast travel (otherwise you will sooner or later shoot some in face for sending you over whole map again and again) + maybe combat mods so your enemies arent just bulletsponge + simsettlement
is it still only multiplayer?
Yeah play Fallout 3 better game
Tips for one of the most dumbed down "RPGs" ever made, second only to Skyrim? Mod it? It's a modding sandbox afterall...
Don't bother playing this bad game maybe?