There was a joke:
When Germans were defeated and we were "liberated" by Russians, russian soldat came to me and gave me a hug to celebrate victory.
The next wristwatch and bicycle I bought few years later.
Another thing rarely considered is the good old classic "butthurt Russian dilemma".
This winter will:
- either be very mild, more so on western Europe, thus making Russian gas blackmail thinner and thinner and substantially crushing any negotiation power on their side;
- be mild but still with some peaks of cold, more so in the vast, not on the Mediterranean, planes of Ukraine, and it will be the final demise for tens of thousands of ill-equipped, absolutely untrained, and probably not very healthy soldiers. And most of their old and fragile armamentary.
at this point they are definitely not the second best anymore and they can barely be called an army with all the random people they forcibly conscript with little training and even less equipment
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