And now Russia just expects to walk out of it with more territory than it started with. Russia should be smaller after this war, not bigger.
What a bunch of lies russia is losing this is all fake
To be fair. Summer vs fall. The colours will fade
Is called a War, one that Europe allowed to happen and to continue. And why is this different from Syria? Armenia, Iran…oh yes because they arent Europeans, classic hypocrisy.
Image if the kaliningrad would go to chechia how tbe tensions near the border would go down as czech people are more civilized than russians. We Poles and Lithuanias would be so happy
90% destroyed, this is the same grade of destroying like many citys during WW2 suffered after hundreds heavy Bombers dropped thousands of tons of explosivs.
War is stupid, no matter the reason or excuses/lies to try to justify it. Ignorant people
You can't really expect something to get better through Russian influence.
Holy moly, they magically transformed a huge building with square into living blocks