Need more pics. With that as the only photo I'd make that an open space kitchen and living. Stay on faint colours and round shapes. Add a max of 2 strong colour of your choice to add as small details all around (vases, objects, pillows etc)
Use your own brain and taste lazy asshole, this is interior design advice and you should fucking pay if you want someone else's opinion. Fuck off freebie suckers, you just want someone to give you free advice ,piece of shit clown. Do your own homework or hire someone!!!
Steve Job's style.
With furniture
I'd put my tv and playstation against one wall, probably the let one. I'd put my chair in front of it, then I'd make a mess with pizza boxes and beer cans and stuff.
get one of these - if you build it, they will come.
Projector on the wall and one nice sofa and low ned without frame. Nice 360 color lights and no gay posters or paintings
two 50" LED TV. PS5 for each TV. internet router and complementing fiber- connected modems. Lazy Boys. a coffee table. airconditioner. a bed (just in case a quick nap is in order) ... paint over the windows.