Have you made a one hit wonder that lasted for like 30 years ?
Op You better watch how you're talkin', and where you're walkin' Or you and your homies might be lined in chalk!
Sure lol "nobody gave a shit" about the artist of one of the biggest hit anthems of old school rap in existence until three days ago. What a silly post honestly. Next time just make it about not liking rap instead of pretending to know what actual rap fans like.
C u when u get there , fantastic voyage also hits from coolio. Please shut the fuck up. If you Don't have more than 2 pence of brain working.
And his only hit was a Stevie Wonder song he just shouted over.
In the 80 and 90 he was big and for people listening in that genre he was big. For mainstream folks that only listen to his 1 legendary song, he is 1 hit wonder. Just because he is not mainstream for 30+ years does not NOT make him a legend. Same with Mozart, there are like 5 musical pieces or less you can name of him, yet people know him hundred of years later. And your nobody ass is jealous. I understand arguing that Doja Cat or some other mainstream mumble worthless rapper is undeserving, but going after old proper stars is sad.
If even so, what a fantastic song it is. I still drop everything I do when it comes on the radio.
First bit correct, second bit incorrect.
And actual thing that made that song relevant is not his - it's 1:1 chorus of Pastime Paradise from Stevie Wonder. Changing one word I guess....
Don't compare Coolio with vanilla ice. This post if for retards.
And his one hit was a remix
Kinda true but as an old dj I have to say that "I like girls" is still a hot track after all these years
Space jam anthem?
You mean like most artist in the history of the world?