But for real... the "pay gap" was disproved so many times, it hurts that people keep bringing this up... Funny punchline though.
The gender pay gap is bullshit and was debunked a long time ago. Glad to see predators use it for white knight points.
Women are highly paid in my field cause they’re less of them.
Pay gap exists. As a hiring manager, I know it. But, as Jordan Peterson said, it’s not because of the gender. Men are aggressive when it’s a negotiation. If women can negotiate can like men, they also can earn same.
first they want equal pays totally understandable and the next thing you know they want to be men
Women will go into the same field as a man. But actively pick a less paying job. And then say they are payed less than men. It's fake bullshit and doesn't exist. Problem solved.
Just refer to Jordan Peterson on this one, he clears it all up.
It's 2022, ladies. Want higher pay? Just become a man. I'd recommend Hungarian gender reassignment specialist Dr. Kutsyir Bubsov
Try getting a job. I get paid near to nothing. I am unemployed, but man...