One of the many privileges of being a man: it doesn't matter if I need to wash my hair, clean my ballsack,, descale the coffee machine or strip paint from the window all comes out of the same bottle.
When you use a real man's shampoo you always finish your conditioner at the same time as the shampoo. You just can't change your oil or brush your teeth until you restock.
Ryan Lee
Rashmila Karki
Kara L. Whitaker
Katherine Rossborough
Bunny Bugg
Sheteka Villa
Yves Guevremont
Mahendranathsing Auckle
Kim Losky
Amy Owens Burbol
Stephanie Blair
Alfonso Lopez Jr
Christine Jay Taaca Damasco
Yatish Kakade
Phil Will
Shelly Mae
Roko Rokovino
Stephen Kelly
Merouane Mimou Maskri