Reposting the same dumb bullshit won't make it true. Not a single conspiracy theorist said it was faked with CGI (in fact only people like you said it which is just plain bitter). It was faked in a movie studio, they made backup scenes in case the astronauts find something "inconvenient" on the Moon. In fact many of those scenes can be spotted on various parts of the official footage. If there is a 15 mins delay in the live broadcast between the moon, the NASA Command and the tv company they just remove from- and insert any scene into it at the NASA. Now you can call me a tinfoil nutjob or any label at this point i don't give a shit anymore.
Hollywood didn't have the good CGI yet at that time. CGI's original purpose was not intended for cinema, but for propaganda and lying to the public. It only became mainstream in cinema a few decades later.
Next question.
The biggest argument for those that say that it wasn't faked is that the lie would be too big to keep a secret. They obviously haven't heard of military secrets and classified documents that span from the revolutionary war and still haven't been made public today.
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