In my experience the bullying only stops when you smash him in the face in front of all his mates... 2 years of bullying stopped in 3 seconds. Advice to my kids, 'don't start a fight, but if you find yourself in one, fight hard and fight to win.'
Also, the teachers won't help you.
Yeah but bullying is more about excluding a person and humiliating them in front of other people when they are vulnerable not in a calm talk between two people
Kill the joke. Anything someone says to you to beat you down, act like you’re in on it and say it every time they pass by. Bullies want the reaction out of you. The more it looks like you’re getting something out of it, the less they’ll want to even look at you. I’d rather be annoying to a bully than their punching bag.
At least in some cases.
I'm having that issue currently. My daughter has aspergers and one issue of her if that she has anger issues. Now her fellow classmates repeatedly taunt her so she gets a tantrum with the ultimate goal is to have suspended from school (now again for a week). I constantly tell her to ignore the bullying. I basically tell her exactly what this guy is telling his audience. It's just not so easy. Obviously she has different basis than others but even i, who is "normal", have issues holding back at some point when someone repeatedly gets on my nerves. At some point i just want to punch them in the face and have them bleeding on the floor in front of me.
So anyways, all good what this guy is saying, it's right and important. People need to take this kind of stuff to heart. Bullys are always people with issues, otherwise they wouldn't resort to this kind of behaviour.
Working with kids I would honestly say that this works, just not getting upset is a huge turn off for most bullies. However the game some bullies play borders physical violence and that is when ignoring it becomes almost impossible.
Someone writing on someone's face, holding them down against their will, breaking and vandalising people's property. That's when bullying becomes unmanageable and difficult to deal with.
OMG this is revolutionary! Not letting words hurt you.. genius. We should invent a phrase, maybe something like "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me".
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