Angelika Ali
Post: Judging by how Adam Sandler looks on this photo, this kid is now a middle aged man
Post: "you can leave work when you finish loading the tomatoes"
Post: Alright that's actually legit.
Post: "Many leaders" - posts single example. Zelensky was "Jewish" long before he became a president.
Post: Wouldn't it have streaked with the rotation and all?
Post: Bitch needs to be patient lest she loses her fingers one of these days.
Post: Finally Netflix can make a show about a 'different' serial killer
Post: Poor kid had his arm stuck for a week. Look at that grateful smile
Post: I thinks that's sinkhole de mayo?
Post: His name is Hordor
Post: Rasism dosent have a color.
Post: In Sweden we just let our least favourite kid climb around up there (me as a kid)
Post: Okay, i will be the first mentioning it. Romania
Post: Those retards using a shovel to dig rather than a spade. The younger generation, I tell you
Post: Didn't she fuck up everything becoming she hulk?
Post: Meanwhile, on the other side of the front
Post: That's why I stay awake until 6am
Post: He fingered a chick once. She died.
Post: Well said babuska, well said.
Post: Dayum, I wouldn't mind heating you up from the inside.
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