Jen Nicole
Post: Just remember to replace the batteries
Post: Imagine being killed by this little shit equiped with a gun
Post: And OP, let's not forget OP
Post: Ok if i get reporters like this??... I'll start watching news
Post: Could be a trap, if they're planning to flood Kherson after their retreat by blowing up the dam.
Post: Do you know where you’ll go OP?
Post: Where tho? In Nigeria?
Post: filthy reposter, eat a rooster
Post: Most kitsch shit ever.. only epoxy i can respect sometimes is black epoxy on wood slabs
Post: cock blocked then rammed
Post: Take it to Mexico. Win!
Post: All you need are a couple red LEDs
Post: Reap what you sow skank
Post: Mammals have mammaries. Duh.
Post: What did actually happened, cap?
Post: Why he is posing with Kadyrov 34th wife ?
Post: fuck off with your propaganda
Post: What is that retarded title supposed to mean?
Post: The driver be like...
Post: I that AOC 's daddy?
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