Aroha Samuels
Post: (windows shutting down noises)
Post: I like him as a comedian, but never understand people chasing celebrities.
Post: I’m not a dog person but that unnecessary act of violence had the perfect reaction to it
Post: She cute about it tho
Post: Bachelor in Chemical* Engineering. Kaboom.
Post: He has such guts to talk about the truth. Godzilla should be ashamed.
Post: not anymore buddy
Post: hot wheels superloop
Post: Sounds like a you problem
Post: some dicks with hairy balls
Post: All you need are a couple red LEDs
Post: A lot of good games. Such memories, thanks for the trip.
Post: Mammals have mammaries. Duh.
Post: Bruh give some love to calisto protocol
Post: That heavy, depressing mood and ending, great movie.
Post: That's why I stay awake until 6am
Post: I that AOC 's daddy?
Post: Everything is fun and games until those guys show up
Post: oy cheeky wanka yu goit a loicense to say fock on television?
Post: call 911 or what ever emergency number you have dont wait.
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