Johnny Jdog Jenkins
Post: Several ribs are broken, doesn't matter had lunch
Post: And yet the city feels dead
Post: Captain ?
Post: Ok lads, that one is pretty good.
Post: It's funny how testosterone makes you think rationally
Post: You look too young to be here
Post: Real men know when to control their emotions. That includes knowing when to let them show also.
Post: For how much? Roughly?
Post: Masters of the water element
Post: it depends where you are a billion has different meaning.
Post: sure thats the only reason they laugh at you OP
Post: A lot of good games. Such memories, thanks for the trip.
Post: Smoking kills
Post: The netherlands be like
Post: Good for you, Poland - not a bloodthirsty lunatic like Balkans, but thirsty enough.
Post: Dude, easy: There is a blackwock, a nasdam, an avindale, a picklot, two driftones and a a hawktang.
Post: Then donate to people who need it
Post: The driver be like...
Post: The bird:
Post: Haha awesome. I know what I’ll buy my friend’s daughter next
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