Gladys Faye Odom
Post: Somehow feels like shitposting is LESS of an art
Post: Wow, you've turned hand food into plate food for no good reason.
Post: Dear Jesus... These clowns run a country? Kindergarten pupils can be more respectful
Post: Her jokes are hit or miss. Nothing to get pissy about
Post: And so the PIE CHART was born
Post: If you can't beat them, join them
Post: if you truly think they're cool and understanding, it shouldn't be an issue
Post: All clients are still free and MSM is silent about it
Post: Source? I need more of this
Post: Who is this asian geh fkcer and why do we have to see his face?
Post: When she had a dream where you cheated
Post: Now I get it, they go from house to house to find Jesus because they've lost him!
Post: Okay, i will be the first mentioning it. Romania
Post: Bruh give some love to calisto protocol
Post: Damn, most of his customers are chicks
Post: His bro really saved him there. Should give him a drink afterwards. And a blowjob
Post: Fuck you for emoji
Post: Haha awesome. I know what I’ll buy my friend’s daughter next
Post: Well said babuska, well said.
Post: That's love.
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