Mae Sophia Harsh
Post: If bringing to the table means being young and a virgin 9Gagers would be of the highest value....
Post: Don't worry about it. I'm sure there is someone out there who will enjoy your knife.
Post: Could be a trap, if they're planning to flood Kherson after their retreat by blowing up the dam.
Post: Where tho? In Nigeria?
Post: When the AI uprising begins...
Post: On the first view I thought they deliver the new Geforce RTX 4090
Post: Otaknya dikerudungin
Post: you can't play your PS5 with your wife around?
Post: This sound like the most tomska thing i have heard in a while
Post: Yes thanks to him for helping US invasion in the Philippines
Post: Plot twist: He actually wants to kill her.
Post: Surprise her with anal sex.
Post: Okay, i will be the first mentioning it. Romania
Post: Damn, most of his customers are chicks
Post: fuck off with your propaganda
Post: Stop being a bitch and get that hollywood brainwashing out of your head.
Post: I that AOC 's daddy?
Post: Well said babuska, well said.
Post: When somebody says a British Bird, I would imagine they'd look like this:
Post: Looks heavenly with the stars removed.
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