Melissa Huotari Carlson
Post: sure thats the only reason they laugh at you OP
Post: Greeks be like: im not high but at least I got 2 more points than turkey. Big win.
Post: His bro really saved him there. Should give him a drink afterwards. And a blowjob
Post: Oooooh it's a loop, and here i was waiting for the end...
Post: How many times can they do that before they have to replace them?
Post: that's kinda like telling women not to wear short skirts...
Post: I miss my cat
Post: If you can't beat them, join them
Post: My man singing the chorus has the voice of an angel
Post: Can't stand opera, but this has always been such a transcendent moment.
Post: Biden being president is elder abuse
Post: Rasism dosent have a color.
Post: Imagine how confusing the storyboard process of this scene was.
Post: Just perfect Contraya!
Post: Damn, most of his customers are chicks
Post: Just don't go there to simp... Enjoy the city
Post: The bird:
Post: Paintball but with real bullet
Post: Plot twist they’re all 50gb drives in mirror raid setting
Post: Imagine being killed by this little shit equiped with a gun
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