Ram Prasad Guggilapu
Post: What ? They weren't treated like guests ? I wonder why ? Maybe because they were trespassing... ?
Post: Does this impress the ladies?
Post: Why is the bears crotch the dirtiest part..
Post: China No contest
Post: Well you pops must be rich cuz I saw 3 different cars being clean in that video.
Post: Fucking legend
Post: I love winter, I feel like my brain functions 20% better in the cold.
Post: Behead and shoulders
Post: As a german I believe that they used every bit of working gear we have to shoot this clip.
Post: is it sad that I found this interesting?
Post: Fuck blue ringed octopi, they killed my father. Now im on a quest for vengeance.
Post: Rasism dosent have a color.
Post: Same, tapi yg ini versi retardeddnya sama kayak bahasanya
Post: ty for circling it, i would have missed it otherwise
Post: Those retards using a shovel to dig rather than a spade. The younger generation, I tell you
Post: Serius tanya, hubungannya UNICEF sama air minum apa?
Post: I'm saving this, thanks
Post: Attention seeker
Post: Damn...I think I should also now start a family.
Post: Everything is fun and games until those guys show up
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