Crystal Miller
Post: Several ribs are broken, doesn't matter had lunch
Post: This is just showing off, luxury is something little bit different.
Post: Friend catfish? O_o how does that happen. I thought it was only for romantic endeavors.
Post: Could you please not drag your kid on the internet you fucking dumbass?
Post: The good old days
Post: Passing through? I hope it was passing by.
Post: Missing a room just sayin
Post: Damn, that is a nice duck
Post: Wave and rocks working together to create harmony
Post: Disappointed that neither of the trucks hit the car.
Post: Take it to Mexico. Win!
Post: “Marry me, you will.” says Yoda.
Post: Rasism dosent have a color.
Post: Smoking kills
Post: ty for circling it, i would have missed it otherwise
Post: Where are the prostitutes?
Post: That canal is a goner anyway. They know the question is when, not if they gonna lose it
Post: Stop being a bitch and get that hollywood brainwashing out of your head.
Post: The driver be like...
Post: Damn...I think I should also now start a family.
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