Rhonda Brown
Post: call 911 or what ever emergency number you have dont wait.
Post: The fuckin lettuce won!
Post: Cinematic masterpiece
Post: The end got me.
Post: maybe Professor Hulk is smaller than Hulk
Post: Bitch needs to be patient lest she loses her fingers one of these days.
Post: So tempting
Post: Imagine if this lady was white instead of black. Everyone would just say she's a racist
Post: Bobby got a live adaptation financed, suck it loser:
Post: darksouls isnt 80s DUH
Post: Take it to Mexico. Win!
Post: All you need are a couple red LEDs
Post: Sauce please
Post: You'll need this instead.
Post: Oink oink
Post: Those retards using a shovel to dig rather than a spade. The younger generation, I tell you
Post: That heavy, depressing mood and ending, great movie.
Post: Meanwhile, on the other side of the front
Post: Fuck you for emoji
Post: Funfact, they actually killed a kid to make the scebe as realistic as possible
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