Saymalyn Aradji Sabdaini-jimenez
Post: An apartment in Tokyo has less space
Post: Maybe she didn't know she wasn't ready for one but found out over time
Post: 1000km are easily enough. Could even be started from Kyiv... :)
Post: Do you know what OJ’s favorite holiday is? Thanksgiving, he likes to slice the white meat..
Post: *Free and unbiased science and technology school
Post: except it wasnt
Post: im 37 and can confirm its true
Post: not not watch = watch, right ? but I hate football
Post: There go her teeth... and nose... and forehead... and brain
Post: How shit do your missiles have to be to be shot down by MANPADS lmao
Post: Somehow feels like shitposting is LESS of an art
Post: sure thats the only reason they laugh at you OP
Post: Yes! This is actually good to see :-)
Post: You'll need this instead.
Post: What did actually happened, cap?
Post: As a veteran, this hits hard!
Post: That canal is a goner anyway. They know the question is when, not if they gonna lose it
Post: His bro really saved him there. Should give him a drink afterwards. And a blowjob
Post: Just don't go there to simp... Enjoy the city
Post: I that AOC 's daddy?
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