The problem is not that they replace explosions and crashes and monsters with CGI. The issue is that they replace acting story telling and character development too with CGI.
the more lazily they are used... How come decade old cgi looks waaaay better than the ones in the new thor movie? Its because of lazy fck directors...
It's interesting to see how they made all the sets and special effects for the original Star Wars movies. We're propably not going to see creativity like that in the movie industry ever again.
Don't watch marvel then
The best special effects are practical effects where you can tell they are only effects, but not enough to disspell the illusion. Prime examples are The Thing and Aliens.
Well it depening on 2 things. First of all in which movies it's been used! And Secondly if it advance so much that you cant even recognize that this is still CGI how can you even complain about it anymore?
No OP you're sad. Now get over ya self.
One of the reasons I actually liked the new top gun movie even though it was with Tom cruise