Casey Strunk
Post: Death by snu snu
Post: BTW is it photoshop?
Post: So that's how meteorite craters are made. Some idiot told me it was done with space rocks
Post: Unlike religion, clothes improve living
Post: Man.. They just attention whores. Not at all sensible persons.
Post: Did u restore it to a good working condition or just paint over it?
Post: When you do the math and you forget that the shape of the Earth.
Post: *Australia
Post: Looks like shadow people playing on a wall.
Post: The Queen of step moms
Post: Plot twist: He actually wants to kill her.
Post: Is that a spark welder??
Post: Greeks be like: im not high but at least I got 2 more points than turkey. Big win.
Post: WTF, you dont need enemies with friends like that
Post: As a veteran, this hits hard!
Post: That canal is a goner anyway. They know the question is when, not if they gonna lose it
Post: Meanwhile, on the other side of the front
Post: That's why I stay awake until 6am
Post: Haha awesome. I know what I’ll buy my friend’s daughter next
Post: My god what an unbelievable cuck. The levels of cringe are unfathomable
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