And I took it personal
Some of us are not bottling up anything. There is nothing to bottle, we solve our problems, and if we can't.. eh.
I wish I could fucking cry…
I mostly masturbate and play video games to deal with my problems.
I've seen this post at least 15 times on in the part month.
I definitely cry when I see such shitpost.
You don't need to 'cry' to vent your feelings. Try screaming your lungs out until you're completely exhausted, it has the same effect.
Being cold af inside, freeze pain, smoke, drink, rethink evrything... smoke thinking about crying..... didint worked getting used to pain inside and freezing it again... life is fucking shit but stand up and take another step foward... thats how i survive in this hell.... right now im acting that i have feelings just to make others comfortable and stop these eyes looking at you and thi king "i feel sorry for him"...
I prefer kidney failure by alcoholism
Upvote for night mode. Don't care about content.
I always thought men cried less because of unhealthy societal expectations. Cut to me being on testosterone injections for a decade, and it turns out it's physically more difficult to cry. I'm a weeper, that really sucked for me.
I just realized how dificult is for women to have their ideas challenged bit for men is an everyday thing
Why do some people insist that crying is necessary for mental health?
Having a purpose as a man will get you to the state where you dont need to cry or bottle anything up. Have a hobby, go and try to be self-sufficient /self employed Start a company, or do something other than bitch how life is unfair. I'm telling you from personal experience, as I've been through it all. Once you set a goals to achieve and you start working towards them you start feeling great every day. You start becoming naturally happy and people notice that. Girls suddenly start paying attention to you and trust me it has nothing to do with how much money you make at the moment, as long as you are working towards better future
Thanks for repeating Bill Burr's joke twitter shitlord
1.Boot rdr2 with advanced gore & ragdolls mods installed 2.turn on invicibility 3.go to saint denis 4.commits warcrime 5.??? 6.depression averted