Nutrition affects height, look at Korea, South Koreans eat better food than North Koreans and are in average taller.
Genetics and nutrition. Some genetics give tallness despite lack of nutrition (parts of africa) Some have good nutrition that gives tallness despite genetics Depends on where you are
Well your observation might be interesting it is not really a fact but i suppose you never visit Africa, plenty of tall ethnic people there aswell ,maybe not as tall as scandinavian/ north european people but i mean Italians and spannish arent really tall either
In a dog eat dog world, having a size advantage, means a strength and weight advantage automatically. I'd imagine such people to be more successful at warmongering on average, therefore over span of thousands of years collecting more wealth and influence. Mongols were also known to be large people, probably due to dairy consumption. Ottomans were and are still tall people also. Romans and greeks weren't necessary very tall compared to present day, but tall in comparison to most others. It's not a coincidence, but it's not about them necessarily being more worthy or better either. Just bigger monke do bonk to slightly smaller monke, snowballed into what we have today.
who has more money eats more and better, thus grows more. if it goes for generations, the offsprings become inherently taller too (epigenetic)
Diet, a part of that difference is down to diet. Poverty can mean lack of nutrition needed to grow to one’s genetic potential height.
There is data available that tall people are more successful in modern society. Your observation is correct. Dont know if it al causal.
Being tall has social advantages and with that more opportunity. This is actually a studied phenomenon and if you Google the correlation between height and wealth you'll find some theories about it
Funny thing how many people mention nutrients and diets which although influences your early development stage it does not affect your height that much which is already decided in your dna, it all comes down mostly due to genes and prolonged periods of selective breeding. Tall person × tall person = tall(er) person which till this day is held up since on average tall people probably are more likely to have someone who is also on the taller side.
You're just crazy. Westerners are basically the asians of white people. Endemic non-eating of vegetables is my guess.
healthy people from healthy countries??? whoa op is developping a brain cell.... congratulations on GETTING OUT OF DUMBFUCKISTAN!!!!
You are average size but jot so bright. Had to make a post to find our that diet can make you grow.
Being well fed and healthy will lead to people being taller and over time. For example, in Europe, people used to be way shorter back in the middle ages or even just a few centuries ago.
I mean… could be
If those places are richer than tbe surrindings since more than a century an explanation could be that richer people could achieve better food and that's important for height development, the same thing explain why contemporary people are (in mean) way higher than people of a century ago, better food = higher people
Just go to Japan. If you go to northern Europe, of course that’ll happen.
Developed places got better food and less stressful way of life. It results in more height. Also developed places are making women chose more on looks and height than ability. Cuz in such good place everyone are able. Sad truth for short man.
Adult height is *influenced by* nutrition, and it's hardly surprising that developed/wealthy countries or cities have access to better, more nutritious food that allows better development during childhood.